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The 64 in '82 evaporated? What, then, of the vertical Has the same market that was attracted to Library of operating system routines, and expandabil. Add a funĪnd easy user interface, multi-tasking, an extensive Machine with more features and power than anythingīefore it would make people line up to get il. The machines, you sure wouldn't think they're in theīut our purpose here is not to sell Amigas we have noĬonnections with Commodore, and could write aboutĪtaris just as easily if Commodore passed from theįace of the earth.


Compare prices, then, between anĪmiga system (512k unit plus monitor) with a Atariġ04OST (with disk drive and monitor). Has changed, and people are used to paying less for We all love the 64, butĬomparing it with the Amiga is like comparing or-Īnges with fruitstands- To be fair, the state of the art Games on, but an Amiga system today costs less than aĦ4 system did at its introduction. It's a lot more than a home machine for running Graphics workstations costing over ten times as much. Look at it as only that, its competition is dedicated Than just a 68000-based machine with exceptionallyįast and flexible graphics hardware, but if even you Pioneer it's not hard to make new discoveries with aĪ common complaint about the Amiga is its price. Have the benefit of having the opportunity at being a


Of commercial software for the first year or so, but you If you buy a ma-Ĭhine early in its life, you may have to live with a lack That^s how it worked with the PET, the 64, and every With it - if enough people do, the software will follow.

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You have to pick a machine that you believe in and go But toĮnsure that a healthy base of good software develops, Machines sold / no machines sold, no software. Thisīrings us to the old catch-22 of no software, no Persuasion, there is scorn for any machine thaiĭoesn't have a huge base of software available. "does it run Lotus?", Even for those not of IBM The first thing you'll hear when you mentionĪ new machine is "how (IBM) compatible is it?" or, The micro industry caused by the IBM/MS-DOS stand-Īrd has made it hard lor anyone with a new, exciting Magazine ads weren't much better (what do theyĬommodore-Amiga did and are still doing a great job,īut Commodore's marketing department seems to beīut it's not all Commodore's fault. Probably missed the Amiga's market entirely, and the Their child an unfair advantage by buying an Amiga Television ads encouraging parents to give Part of the blame» ol course, must fall with Commo-ĭore's marketing, both in their strategy and inĪmount. Units), and we can't help but wonder why. Hear reports, "through the grapevine", of 150,000 Seem to be generating the sales it is capable of (we The Amiga is easily the most powerful, flexible andĮasy-to-use microcomputer available^ and is cheaper


Prograuii listed in The Transactor are public domain, free to ropy, not to sell The Transactor cannol assume liability for errors in articles or programs. The opinions expressed m contributed articles are not necessarily those o( The Transactor AlthoughĪccuracy is a major objective. Soliciled material is accepted on an all righrsīasis only Write to tfie Mil toil address lor a writers package

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Re-confirm any permissions granted prior lo Ibis notice. Re^jroduction in any form without permission is in violation trf applicable law/s Please USPS 725-050, Secones Ihe property of The Transactor. 元T3P7 Canadian S«ond Class mail legisliaTldn number fi342. The Transaclor \i publisfied bt-munlhly by Transactor Publishing Inc. For example:įlush right ' ' - would be shown as - print ' 'tlush right ' 'Ĭursor Characlers For PET / CBM / VIC / 64 Spaces you insert will not be critical to correct operation of the program. Occasiona!ly programs will contain lines that show consecutive spaces. Also remember: CTRL-q within quotes is identical to a Cursor These will also be shown exactly as they would appear on your screen, but Many programs will contain reverse video characters that represent cursor movements, colours, Secondly, the lowercase L(T) is a straight line as opposed to the To clarify two potential character mix-ups, zeroes will appear as '0" and the letter "o"

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Full text of " The Transactor Magazine Volume 7 Issue 05"Īll programs listed in The Transactor wil! appear as they would on your screen in Upper/UjwerĬase mode.

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